N.E. LASATER writes about the courage of ordinary people facing extraordinary challenges. Her protagonists are flawed like the rest of us but ultimately redeemed – at the very least, into knowing who they really are. Lasater’s characters are people we recognize because she believes the best stories are about the bravery it takes to be human.
Alternate Endings
A loving woman squeezed in the sandwich generation between her elderly mother and her young adult son must choose between them. Each has needs that only she can fulfill, but she faces having to sacrifice herself yet again, as she has done her whole life. Who will win? And why is it that a woman can never claim a turn for herself – just herself – without feeling “selfish”?
N.E. Lasater
Farmer’s Son
What do you do when you can’t read?
It’s 1971 and nobody knows what’s wrong with you. So how do you answer when your father calls you his defective son?
Bobby McAllister doesn’t know it, but his dyslexia isn’t the only secret his family keeps. And it’s not the only truth he himself will hide when he too becomes a farmer and fathers his own sons, passing on to them a lethal shame that will suddenly and tragically claim a cherished life.