Reddit Made My Day

Two days ago, a reader posted Farmer’s Son on reddit for the first time.

Since then, people from all over the world have found the book and this website, and they have stayed to learn more. Farmer’s Son is being up-voted as I write this. It is the top-listed entry on the dyslexia subreddit right now. Wow.

I admit I’m a dinosaur. “Up-vote” is a new verb for me, as are nouns like “subreddit,” “analytics,” and “conversion flow.” I’m learning about this new landscape. What truly matters, though, is that through all the great technology people everywhere still seek out stories that touch their lives. If Farmer’s Son can encourage someone in Portugal (or Scotland or South Korea), I am very grateful.

The novel’s themes are universal.  How many of us took too long to grow up?  How many had colossally bad parents?  How many families have kept secrets for generations?  These are just some of the themes in Farmer’s Son.   


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